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L I T T L E   V I L L A G E   F O U N D A T I O N  


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Country & Western singer Dave Ellis was the first artist to record for the Little Village Foundation, releasing that first album on June 30, 2015. Founded that same year by keyboardist Jim Pugh, the foundation's sole purpose is to bring unknown artists to the fore and that are outside any commercial circuit, sometimes with adventurous proposals and in some cases producing albums by artists with an established career in underground circles. Musicians from Somalia, Mexico, United States, Philippines, India or Russia make up a music catalog that includes blues, classical, country & western, soul, marichi music, folk, as well as true outsiders of roots music. Since 2015, the Little Village Foundation has released forty-one artists and fifty-two albums to date, confirming itself as a fundamental piece in the dissemination of the musical work of all those artists without much possibility of expanding. The Little Village Foundation, a non-profit organization, finances the studio recording sessions - no overdubs are used - and endows each musician with an amount of money as well as a few hundred CD's for their sale and their own benefit. There is no doubt about the spectrum of help that the Foundation carries out with the most ignored and neglected music, highlighting the validity, solidity and character that these same musics contain. They need donations. Long live the Little Village Foundation.

J I M   P U G H   -  T H E   S O U L

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He went up on stage for the first time with Joe Louis Walker and after spending more than twenty years in Robert Cray's band and having recorded and performed for legends such as John Lee Hooker, BB King, Little Milton, Van Morrison, Etta James or Eric Burdon , master of the B3 organ Jim Pugh began to mature the idea of founding the Little Village Foundation. Born near New York and raised in Chicago, with a forty years career behind him, Jim Pugh is currently one of the most renowned and sought-after keyboard players in blues music, the word "talent" being the one that best defines his personality. It has been his work, loyalty and perseverance that have put the Little Village Foundation in the right place and has given us the opportunity to meet and enjoy musicians who would probably remain ostracized without his project.

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